Follow the tree planting journey!

Free educational package

At Urban Street Forest, we believe strongly in the power of education. Planting trees alone will not secure a healthy landscape in the long run; thus we are also investing in teaching both children (and adults!) about the importance of healthy soils and landscapes. That’s why we provide this material free of charge.

How does it work?

This is a package of teaching material, designed for primary schools and other organisations that work with children, that allows teachers to create their own lessons with fun, interactive teaching material. These materials are most suitable for children aged eight to twelve. The education package is offered free of charge by Urban Street Forest.

The contents:

Deforestation is a big problem worldwide. We believe it is important that children learn about nature around them, what they can do to restore it, and what role trees can play in this process.

The teaching materials address the following questions:

  • What value do trees have in an ecosystem?
  • What happens when too many trees are cut down?
  • What is desertification?
  • Why are trees important in cities?
  • How can planting trees help restore nature?

What’s included? 

  • Lessons that can be used both in PDF format (printed) and on a screen in the classroom
  • Videos, photos, and other teaching materials per section that support the lesson
  • Activities that can be used outdoors to enable children to discover their local natural environment

Get the package for free! 

Leave your information to receive our educational PDF.

Or download the PDF directly! 

How to get started?

  • Read through the material and see which learning materials and assignments you want to use. You can use the materials for a project day, or in a series of lessons.
  • Choose a green location nearby where you can do the outdoor activities (like a school garden, or a nearby park)
  • For the activities, some practical materials are needed, such as paper cups, empty bottles, fruit seeds and soil.


Would you like to collaborate? Let us know! We’d love to share the possibilities of our team providing guest lessons in Dutch and English!

Do you have questions about our educational materials? 

Would you like us to support your lessons?

Get in touch! 


– Anouk / Urban Street Forest

Support our work! 

Do you want to help spread eco-literacy? Donate and enable us to develop our educational materials on the importance of healthy soils and landscapes.


With your help we can continue to provide all of this educational material free of charge!